What is DSDM (Dynamic System Development Method)?

In a nutshell, the Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM) is a game-changing, non-proprietary agile application development project model for developing business solutions within tight time frames. It shortens the clock-speed (and time to market) for delivery of core business benefits. DSDM is the only approach that can guarantee delivery on an exact day under tight, Internet-time deadlines. It's tool-independent – there are no tools or software packages to buy. You can find information about DSDM at  www.dsdm.org.

DSDM outlines a five phase process which includes

      feasibility study, which lasts weeks rather than months or years
      business study, which scopes the project and determines high and low level functionality, maintenance level and system architecture.
      functional model iteration, which iterates on prototyping to elicit requirements through feedback
      design and build iteration, which iterates on engineering [parts of] the prototype.
      implementation, which is concerned with making the system operational and training the users.

Each phase has a defined purpose and an applicable set of quality criteria and products which cover management, technical and quality issues. There is a minimal set of products which is considered safe for RAD. As in the Risk based software development life-cycle there are preconditions for entry into each phase which are management and product based. Naturally, DSDM relies on active configuration management to track the projects and enable roll-backs.

DSDM Principles

      Active User Involvement is imperative
      DSDM teams must be empowered to make decisions
      There must be frequent delivery of products (timebox)
      Deliverables must be fit for business purposes.
      Iterative and incremental development is necessary to converge to a solution (timebox).
      All changes are reversible.
      Requirements are baselined at a high level.
      Testing is integrated throughout the life-cycle
      All stakeholders must collaborate and co-operate