- Intro
- What is an application server? There are really many
aspects to be considered: component technology, communication
protocols, language or platform dependency, reliability,
performance, scalability, security, etc. So it seems that there
are no clear answers at the moment. - "How do objects and middleware fit together?
Middleware is a layer of software that abstracts a
company's business logic from the presentation layer at the client
side, and the data resource at the backend. Objects are a way of
modeling a business and further abstracting the business logic
from the requirements of the client and server. Object-oriented
middleware gives businesses the ability to effectively
model a business problem and deploy and manage a business
solution." (BEA Systems) - "What is an OTM ? An OTM , or Object
Transaction Manager , combines the production-ready runtime
and transaction management environment of TP Monitors with the
programming model and ease of use of object-oriented development
tools. The OTM manages the objects in a distributed
environment so developers can focus on solving business problems."
(BEA Systems) - "The standard Java transaction management interfaces
are defined in two separate standard extensions. (1) Java
Transaction Service (JTS) defines a low-level transaction
management specification intended for vendors who provide the
transaction system infrastructure required to support application
run time environment. (2) Java Transaction API (JTA)
defines a high-level transaction management specification intended
for resource managers and transactional applications in
distributed transaction systems." (Sun Microsystems) - "What is OLE Transactions ? OLE Transactions
is Microsoft's object-oriented protocol for transaction
management. The OLE Transactions protocol defines the
interfaces that applications, resource managers, and transaction
managers use to perform transactions. Applications use OLE
Transaction interfaces to initiate, commit, abort, and inquire
about transactions." (Microsoft) - "What is Enterprise JavaBeans ? Enterprise
JavaBeans is a cross-platform component architecture for the
development and deployment of multi-tier, distributed, scalable,
object-oriented Java applications. Enterprise JavaBeans can
be deployed on top of existing transaction processing systems
including traditional transaction processing monitors, web
servers, database servers, application servers, etc." (Sun
Microsystems) - "What is the difference between a Java application
server and servlets ? Servlets have been used
generically to refer to any server-side Java application code, but
servlets have come to mean HTTP Servlets ---the Java
industry standard for dispatching to server-side Java in HTTP and
for returning HTML responses. A Java application server ,
however, supports Java application partitioning, wherein a Java
application interconnects with another Java application over the
network. So the Java industry defines a standard Java
application server is an integrated server that supports the
range of Java Enterprise APIs." (WebLogic) - "What is a servlet engine ? A servlet engine
provides a portable, Java servlet-based execution environment that
turns Web application servers into Java-enabled Web application
servers. It's the state-of-the art, easy-to-use, and extensible
way of deploying and managing Web applications across your
enterprise networks. A servlet engine is the nucleus of a
scalable Web application platform." (IBM)
- What is an application server? There are really many
- Contents
- Start here
- Central Sites
- Related Sites
- Link Collections
- FAQs
- Glossaries
- General Newsgroups
- Company Newsgroups
- Forums
- Mailing Lists
- General Articles
- Special Articles
- Organizations
- Other Software
- Other pages
- Start here
- A beginner's guide to Enterprise JavaBeans (JavaWorld)
- An OTM Primer (Software Productivity Group)
- Application server eludes definition (CNET)
- Demystifying the ORB (IBM)
- Enterprise JavaBeans (Gopalan Suresh Raj)
- Middleware Review (Jacob Goldin)
- OTMs -- ORBs for the enterprise? (Software Productivity Group)
- The Application Server Marketplace (Web Techniques)
- Using Components and Java Application Servers as a Platform for Enterprise Information Systems (IBM/WebLogic)
- Web App Servers (CMP Media)
- What Do Application Servers Really Do? (Web Techniques)
- What is a Java Application Server? (BEA Systems)
- What is a Java applicaton server? (WebLogic)
- What is Enterprise Java? (WebLogic)
- Central Sites
- General
- Application Server Comparison Matrix (Flashline)
- Allaire ColdFusion Server (Allaire)
- Apple WebObjects (Apple Computer)
- BEA WebLogic Enterprise (BEA Systems)
- Software AG Bolero Application Server (Software AG)
- Enhydra (Enhydra.org)
- Forté WebEnterprise (Forté)
- Hitachi TPBroker (Hitachi)
- IBM Component Broker Connector Overview (IBM)
- Inprise Application Server (INPRISE)
- Inprise VisiBroker ITS (Inprise)
- IONA Orbix OTM (IONA Technologies)
- jpub (jpub Team)
- Locomotive Application Server (locomotive.org)
- Microsoft MTS (Microsoft)
- Netscape Enterprise Server (Netscape)
- Pervasive Tango (Pervasive Software)
- Persistence PowerTier for C++ (Persistence Software)
- Progress Open AppServer (Progress Software)
- Progress WebSpeed (Progress Software)
- Proton Web Application Server (Pramati Technologies)
- Secant Extreme Enterprise Server for C++ (Secant Technologies)
- Servertec iServer (Servertec)
- SilverStream Application Server (SilverStream Software)
- Sun Java Embedded Server (Sun Microsystems)
- Sun JavaServer Engine (Sun Microsystems)
- Sybase Enterprise Application Server (Sybase)
- BEA Tuxedo technical article index (Hegetor Ltd)
- Zope Application Server (Digital Creations)
- Enterprise JavaBeans Servers
- Allaire Ejipt EJB Application Server (Allaire)
- BEA WebLogic Server (BEA Systems)
- Bluestone Sapphire/Web (Bluestone Software)
- Bull JOnAS Java Open Application Server (Bull)
- EJBoss Server (The EJBoss Organization)
- GemStone/J Application Server (GemStone Systems)
- Inprise Application Server (INPRISE)
- IONA iPortal Application Server (IONA Technologies)
- iPlanet Application Server (Sun-Netscape Alliance)
- NetDynamics (Sun Microsystems)
- ObjectSpace Voyager Application Server (ObjectSpace)
- Oracle Application Server (Oracle)
- Orion Application Server
- Persistence PowerTier for EJB (Persistence Software)
- Progress Apptivity Application Server (Progress Software)
- ProSyst EnterpriseBeans Server (ProSyst Software)
- Pramati Server for J2EE (Pramati Technologies)
- Secant Extreme Enterprise Server for EJB (Secant Technologies)
- Visient Arabica (Visient)
- Java Servlet Web Servers
- ATG Dynamo Application Server (Art Technology Group)
- IBM VisualAge WebRunner Toolkit (IBM Software)
- Lotus Domino Go Webserver (IBM Software/Lotus)
- Novocode NetForge (Novocode)
- Paralogic Software WebCore (Paralogic Software)
- Sun Java Web Server (Sun Microsystems)
- Zeus Web Server (Zeus Technology)
- Java Servlet Engines
- Apache JServ (The Java-Apache Project)
- Gefion WAICoolRunner (Gefion Software)
- IBM WebSphere Application Server (IBM)
- Live Software JRun (Live Software/Allaire)
- Mort Bay JETTY (Mort Bay Consulting)
- New Atlanta ServletExec (New Atlanta Communications)
- General
- Related Sites
- General
- Application Server Zone (DevX)
- Applications Servers (Web Review)
- App-Serv Central (App-Serv Corporation)
- DevX Product Guide (DevX)
- EJBNow.com (Richard Monson-Haefel)
- Enterprise Zone (DevX)
- MIDDLESPECTRA (Spectrum Reports)
- MTSense (Hegetor)
- O'Reilly Network Hub (O'Reilly and Associates)
- Servers (Software Technologies)
- ServerWatch (internet.com)
- Standards & Middleware Links Page (Sergey Orlik)
- Transaction Processing and Middleware (Software Technologies)
- Web/Application Server software (ArticleCentral.com)
- Enterprise JavaBeans
- EJBportal (EJBPortal.com)
- EJB Resources (Tom Valesky)
- JavaBeans Marketplace (Flashline.com)
- JavaBeans Zone (DevX)
- SIG Enterprise JavaBeans (MGM EDV-Beratung)
- SIG Enterprise JavaBeans (MGM EDV-Beratung)
- EJB Beans/Components (EJB SIG)
- EJB related Tools (EJB SIG)
- EJB Servers (EJB SIG)
- Mailing Lists and Newsgroup Archive (EJB SIG)
- Servlets
- Java servlets (CoolServlets.com)
- Servlet Central (Servlet Central Publishing)
- Servlet Resource Center (n-ary)
- Servlets (About.Com)
- Servlets.com
- servletforum.com (Give It A Name)
- Servlets in the World (Sun Microsystems)
- ServletSource (Jon Strande)
- Web Server
- WebServer Compare (internet.com)
- Allaire ColdFusion Server
- Allaire ColdFusion (Allaire)
- BEA Systems
- Bluestone Software
- Forté WebEnterprise
- Building e-business applications with NCF
- e-business Enterprise Connectors from IBM
- IBM Component Broker
- IBM Transaction Systems
- IBM WebSphere
- IBM WebSphere Performance Pack
- IBM WebSphere Studio
- Java for the Enterprise (IBM)
- Inprise VisiBroker ITS
- VisiBroker (INPRISE)
- IONA Technologies
- IONA iPortal Suite (IONA Technologies)
- Java-Apache Project
- Java-Apache Project Developer's Site
- Apache JServ FAQ (The Java-Apache Project)
- The Java-Apache Project FAQ (The Java-Apache Project)
- Java-Apache Project - Documentation and Links
- Live Software JRun
- Microsoft
- Application Services
- Component Object Model
- Message Queuing Services
- Web Services
- Windows DNA
- Windows NT Server Technical Details
- Netscape
- Current Data Sheets
- Evaluation and Reviewers' Guides
- Informative FAQs
- Recent White Papers
- Using Netscape Servers
- Sybase Enterprise Application Server
- Sybase Enterprise Application Studio (Sybase)
- Sun Microsystems
- Overview of Enterprise APIs (Sun Microsystems)
- Enterprise JavaBeans
- Enterprise JavaBeans Documentation
- Java Interface Definition Language (IDL)
- Java Management API (JMAPI)
- Java Message Service (JMS)
- Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
- Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition
- Java Remote Method Invocation and Object Serialization (RMI)
- JavaServer Pages (JSP)
- JavaServer Pages Technology
- Java Transaction API (JTA)
- Java Transaction Service (JTS)
- The JDBC Database Access API
- JavaServer Group
- JavaServer Pages
- Java Servlet API
- Servlet Resources
- Sun WebServer (Sun Microsystems)
- General
- Link Collections
- General
- Application Server (developer.com)
- Application Servers - Produkte [German] (Jenz & Partner)
- Development (Skyline Boulevard Systems)
- Enterprise Components: EJB, CORBA, RMI, DCOM, java.net (Skyline Boulevard Systems)
- Guide to Application Servers (DevX)
- Java Middleware Catalog (Digital Focus)
- Java Servers (Skyline Boulevard Systems)
- Link Collection for Transaction Monitors (EJB SIG)
- NetDynamics Developer Portal (NetDynamics)
- Enterprise JavaBeans
- EJB Servers (ejbhome)
- Enterprise JavaBeans Links (Norbert Hranitzky)
- Link Collection for EJB (EJB SIG)
- General
- FAQs
- Sun Microsystems
- Enterprise JavaBeans FAQs I
- Enterprise JavaBeans FAQs II
- Java Embedded Server FAQ
- Java Message Service FAQs
- Java Naming and Directory Interface FAQs
- Java RMI and Object Serialization FAQs
- Others
- FAQ (DevX)
- Sun Microsystems
- Glossaries
- Terms and Concepts (EJB SIG)
- General Newsgroups
- Company Newsgroups
- BEA Systems
- BEA WebLogic Newsgroups (BEA Systems)
- weblogic.developer.interest.clustering
- weblogic.developer.interest.ejb
- weblogic.developer.interest.environment
- weblogic.developer.interest.jdbc
- weblogic.developer.interest.jms
- weblogic.developer.interest.jsp
- weblogic.developer.interest.misc
- weblogic.developer.interest.performance
- weblogic.developer.interest.security
- weblogic.developer.interest.servlet
- weblogic.support.install
- ibm.software.webrunner
- ibm.software.websphere.application-server
- ibm.software.websphere.asbeta.as400
- ibm.software.websphere.http-servers
- ibm.software.websphere.perfpack
- ibm.software.websphere.site-analyzer
- ibm.software.websphere.studio
- ibm.software.websphere.win2000
- IONA Technologies
- Microsoft
- Please see also: Cetus Links page COM/COM+ : Company Newsgroups
- microsoft.public.internet.personwebserv
- microsoft.public.webservices
- microsoft.public.webservices.toolkit
- Netscape
- netscape.server
- netscape.server-apps
- netscape.server.web
- netscape.server.web.appscouncil
- netscape.server.web.orb
- O'Reilly and Associates
- ProSyst Software
- BEA Systems
- Forums
- Items in enterprise.message-queue (DevX)
- Items in enterprise.transaction-servers (DevX)
- Items in web.server.general (DevX)
- Lotus Domino Go Webserver User Discussion Community homepage (IBM)
- ibm.software.webrunner
- ibm.software.websphere.http-servers
- ibm.software.websphere.site-analyzer
- ibm.software.websphere.studio
- ibm.software.websphere.win2000
- Progress Software
- Tech Support-Discussion Forums (Progress Software)
- Sun Microsystems
- NetDynamics Forums (Sun Microsystems)
- NetDynamics Forums: Search (Sun Microsystems)
- Mailing Lists
- Servlets
- Inprise Newsletters (INPRISE)
- jrun-interest e-group - Java Servlet engine (FindMail)
- JRun Mailing Lists (Live Software/Allaire)
- Servlet Interest Mailing List (Sun Microsystems)
- The Java-Apache Mail List (The Java-Apache Project)
- The Java-Apache ListServer Search Page (The Java-Apache Project)
- Servlets
- General Articles
- Articles Collections
- Liberate your applications (InfoWorld Publishing)
- General
- Application Servers: An Introduction (JavaWorld)
- Application Servers in Web-Enabled Distributed Computing (Boucher Communications)
- Application Servers: COM-Based vs. Java-Based (David Chappell)
- Application servers come into focus (Software Productivity Group)
- Application servers: The mainframe, reborn? (DevX)
- Application Servers: The Next Silver Bullet? (SIGS Publications)
- Application Server - wohin geht die Reise?, [German] (Jenz & Partner)
- Beyond the Distributed Object Decision (BEA Systems)
- Building a Middleware Platform (SIGS)
- Component-Oriented Middleware (SIGS)
- CORBA vs. EJB vs. MDCA - The Battle for the Middle Tier (ObjectWatch)
- Developing Server-Side Java Web Applications (IBM)
- Fitting the Pieces Together (SIGS Publications)
- IBM Application Framework for e-business: Web Application Programming Model (IBM)
- Make and Buy statt Make or Buy [German] (Jenz & Partner)
- Nuts and Bolts of Transaction Processing (Subrahmanyam)
- Sorting Out Middleware (DBMS and Internet Systems)
- Stringing your apps together (InfoWorld Media Group)
- The state of Java application middleware, Part 1 (JavaWorld)
- Overviews (SEI)
- Client/Server Software Architectures
- Component-Based Software Development / COTS Integration
- Database Two Phase Commit
- Distributed/Collaborative Enterprise Architectures
- Mainframe Server Software Architectures
- Middleware
- Message-Oriented Middleware
- Remote Procedure Call
- Three Tier Software Architectures
- Transaction Processing Monitor Technology
- Two Tier Software Architectures
- Terms and Links (Mecklermedia)
- Application Server
- Client
- Client/Server Architecture
- Client-side
- Clustering
- Commerce Server
- Distributed Database
- Fault Tolerance
- Load Balancing
- Middleware
- Server
- Server-side
- Three-tier
- TP Monitor
- Transaction Processing
- Two-phase Commit
- Two-tier
- Articles Collections
- Special Articles
- Special Articles
- Reinventing Middleware For E-Business (DevX)
- The Power of Processors (SIGS Publications)
- What's the future of application server vendors? (TechMetrix Research)
- EJB - Enterprise JavaBeans
- EJB FAQs I (Sun Microsystems)
- EJB FAQs II (Sun Microsystems)
- A beginner's guide to EJB (JavaWorld)
- A critical look at EJB 1.1, part 1 of 5 (ObjectWatch)
- A critical look at EJB 1.1, part 2 of 5 (ObjectWatch)
- A critical look at EJB 1.1, part 3 of 5 (ObjectWatch)
- A critical look at EJB 1.1, part 4 of 5 (ObjectWatch)
- A critical look at EJB 1.1, part 5 of 5 (ObjectWatch)
- An Overview of Java Components For Middle-Tier Servers (Sun Microsystems)
- Boca EJB (Data Access Technologies)
- Contrasting JavaBeans and EJB (IBM)
- Developer's Guide to Understanding EJB (Nova Laboratories)
- Die EJB Spezifikation [German] (SIGS)
- Direct network traffic of EJBs (JavaWorld)
- Doing Business with EJB (EarthWeb,)
- EJB - A Shark in the Proprietary Pool (Aberdeen Group)
- EJB: Coming soon to a server near you (JavaWorld)
- EJB in 3 Easy Steps (IBM)
- EJB Specification 1.1 Introduces New and Exciting Features (Sun Microsystems)
- EJB: Server Component Model for Java (Patricia Seybold Group)
- EJB - Simplifying Development of Distributed Multi-tier Applications (INPRISE)
- EJB technology gets an update (JavaWorld)
- Evaluating Enterprise JavaBean Application Servers (Barry & Associates)
- Implement EJB (Perspective Technology)
- Spilling the Beans on Java Application Servers (CMP Media)
- Sun delivers draft of EJB 1.1 spec (JavaWorld)
- The Building Blocks for Enterprise Java (IBM)
- The Java Enterprise Server Platform? (Sun Microsystems)
- The state of Java middleware, Part 1 (JavaWorld)
- The state of Java middleware, Part 2 (JavaWorld)
- What to expect from EJB 1.1 (SAGA)
- Write a session EJB (JavaWorld)
- Writing Advanced Applications for the Java Platform (Sun Microsystems)
- Writing Enterprise Applications for the J2EE Reference Implementation (Monica Pawlan)
- Writing EJB (Gamelan)
- Allaire ColdFusion Server
- Allaire ColdFusion Server (Allaire)
- ColdFusion FAQs (Allaire)
- ColdFusion Documentation (Allaire)
- ColdFusion Feature Lists (Allaire)
- ColdFusion Technical Information (Allaire)
- ColdFusion 4.0 Whitepaper (Allaire)
- Allaire Ejipt EJB Application Server
- Allaire Ejipt EJB Application Server (Allaire)
- EJB: Acquisition FAQ (Allaire)
- Ejipt Product Information (Allaire)
- Allaire Makes Strategic Acquisition to Expand E-Business Transaction Capabilities (Allaire)
- Ejipt 2.0 Features (Allaire)
- Apache JServ (The Apache JServ Project)
- Apache JServ (The Java-Apache Project)
- Apache JServ Features (The Java Apache Project)
- Using Apache JServ (Servlet Central Publishing)
- White Papers (The Java Apache Project)
- Apple WebObjects
- Apple WebObjects (Apple Computer)
- WebObjects Support (Apple Computer)
- WebObjects Technical Specs (Apple Computer)
- What's New in WebObjects 4.0 (Apple Computer)
- BEA WebLogic Enterprise
- BEA WebLogic Enterprise (BEA Systems)
- Technical FAQ: Index (BEA Systems)
- BEA WebLogic Developer Center (BEA Systems)
- BEA WebLogic Enterprise Developer Center (BEA Systems)
- BEA WebLogic Enterprise Documents (BEA Systems)
- BEA WebLogic Enterprise White Papers (BEA Systems)
- An Introduction to BEA WebLogic Enterprise (BEA Systems)
- BEA WebLogic Enterprise Datasheet (BEA Systems)
- Client Application Development Concepts (BEA Systems)
- Developing C++ Joint Client/Server Applications (BEA Systems)
- Java Server Application Concepts (BEA Systems)
- Making Component-based Systems Scale with BEA WebLogic Enterprise (BEA Systems)
- Server Application Concepts (BEA Systems)
- Understanding the WebLogic Enterprise Product (BEA Systems)
- BEA WebLogic Server
- BEA WebLogic Server (BEA Systems)
- Technical FAQ: Index (BEA Systems)
- BEA WebLogic Commerce Server (BEA Systems)
- BEA WebLogic Developer Center (BEA Systems)
- BEA WebLogic Express (BEA Systems)
- BEA WebLogic JDBC Drivers (BEA Systems)
- BEA WebLogic Personalization Server (BEA Systems)
- BEA WebLogic Server Documents (BEA Systems)
- BEA WebLogic Server White Papers (BEA Systems)
- BEA WebLogic Technology Briefs (BEA Systems)
- Java Resource Center (BEA Systems)
- Achieving Scalability and High Availability for E-Commerce and Other Web Applications (BEA Systems)
- BEA WebLogic Server Datasheet (BEA Systems)
- Database Connectivity in WebLogicTM (BEA Systems)
- Designing a WebLogic EJB application (BEA Systems)
- Overview of RMI in the WebLogic Framework (BEA Systems)
- The BEA E-Commerce Transaction Platform (BEA Systems)
- WebLogic Events Architecture (BEA Systems)
- WebLogic's Implementation of Enterprise JavaBeans (BEA Systems)
- BEA System's WebLogic Application Server (SIGS)
- Bluestone Sapphire/Web
- Bluestone Sapphire/Web (Bluestone Software)
- Sapphire/Web FAQs (Bluestone Software)
- Sapphire Load Balance Broker (Bluestone Software)
- Sapphire/Web Feature Descriptions (Bluestone Software)
- Sapphire/Web Gallery (Bluestone Software)
- Sapphire/Web Release 6 Brochure (Bluestone Software)
- Sapphire/Web Release 6 - White Paper (Bluestone Software)
- Tackling the Information Deployment Revolution - Executive Summary (Bluestone Software)
- The Heart of Sapphire/Web: The Sapphire/Universal Business Server (Bluestone Software)
- The Web Enabled Extraprise (Bluestone Software)
- Bull JOnAS Java Open Application Server
- Bull JOnAS Java Open Application Server (Bull)
- JOnAS EJB platform (ObjectWeb Faq-O-Matic)
- Java Open Application Server Documentation (Bull)
- JOnAS: The BullSoft Application Platform for EJB (Bull)
- EJBoss Server
- EJBoss (The EJBoss Organization)
- User's Guide for the EJBoss Enterprise Java Beans Server (The EJBoss Organization)
- Enhydra (Enhydra.org)
- Enhydra (Enhydra.org)
- Enhydra FAQ (Enhydra.org)
- Enhydra Brings Real World Web Applications into the Open (Servlet Central Publishing)
- Enhydra Developer's Forum (Enhydra.org)
- Enhydra Documentation (Enhydra.org)
- Enhydra OnLine Demos (Enhydra.org)
- Enhydra Overview page (Enhydra.org)
- Forté WebEnterprise
- Forté WebEnterprise (Forté)
- WebEnterprise Java Support (Forté)
- WebEnterprise Main Features (Forté)
- GemStone/J Application Server
- GemStone/J Application Server (GemStone Systems)
- Build EJB Applications in 20 Minutes with GemStone/J! (GemStone Systems)
- GemStone/J Product Editions (GemStone Systems)
- GemStone/J: The Integrated Secure Application Platform for Internet Commerce (GemStone Systems)
- The GemStone/J iCommerce Platform (GemStone Systems)
- Hitachi TPBroker
- Hitachi TPBroker (Hitachi)
- Overview (Hitachi)
- TPBroker Documentation (Hitachi)
- TPBroker Features (Hitachi)
- TPBroker Sample Programs (Hitachi)
- IBM Component Broker
- IBM Component Broker Connector Overview (IBM)
- IBM Component Broker FAQs (IBM)
- Accessing Enterprise Data using Component Broker Connector (IBM)
- Application Integration with Component Broker (IBM)
- Beans, Beans Everywhere! (IBM)
- Component Broker Glossary (IBM)
- Developing with Component Broker Toolkit (IBM)
- IBM CBConnector Cookbook (IBM)
- IBM Component Broker Connector Overview (IBM)
- IBM Component Broker: Object Services (IBM)
- IBM Component Broker: Programming Model Overview (IBM)
- IBM Component Broker Technical Overview (IBM)
- IBM ComponentBroker, VisualAge: Emerging Application Server Solution (Giga Information Group)
- Introducing Component Broker (IBM)
- IBM WebSphere
- IBM WebSphere Application Server (IBM)
- IBM WebSphere Application Server FAQs (IBM)
- IBM WebSphere Application Server Support FAQs (IBM)
- Developing an e-Business Application for the WebSphere Application Server (IBM)
- IBM WebSphere Application Server - About (IBM)
- IBM WebSphere Application Server Advanced Edition Getting Started (IBM)
- IBM WebSphere Application Server CORBA Support Guide (IBM)
- IBM WebSphere Application Server for OS/390 Getting Started (IBM)
- IBM WebSphere Application Server Guide (IBM)
- IBM WebSphere Application Server - Library (IBM)
- IBM WebSphere Application Server - Product Documentation (IBM)
- IBM WebSphere Application Server Standard Edition Getting Started (IBM)
- IBM WebSphere Application Server - White Papers (IBM)
- IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 2.0 Advanced Edition Documentation Center (IBM)
- IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 2.0 Standard Edition Documentation Cente (IBM)
- Introduction to Servlets and IBM WebSphere Application Server (IBM)
- VisualAge for Java and WebSphere Studio Tutorials: Introduction (IBM)
- WebSphere Application Server Standard Edition 1.1 (InfoWorld Media Group)
- Inprise Application Server
- Inprise Application Server (INPRISE)
- Inprise Application Server FAQs (INPRISE)
- Distributed Object Computing In The Internet Age (INPRISE)
- Enterprise JavaBeans - Simplifying Development of Distributed Multi-tier Applications (INPRISE)
- Inprise Application Server - An Integrated Solution for Developing, Deploying, and Managing Distributed Multi-tier Applications (INPRISE)
- Technical Data (INPRISE)
- White Papers (INPRISE)
- Inprise VisiBroker ITS
- Inprise VisiBroker ITS (Inprise)
- VisiBroker Developer-FAQs (INPRISE)
- Managing Transactions in a Distributed Environment (INPRISE)
- VisiBroker Integrated Transaction Service (INPRISE)
- VisiBroker ITS Benefits (INPRISE)
- IONA iPortal Application Server
- IONA iPortal Application Server (IONA Technologies)
- IONA iPortal Application Server FAQs (IONA Technologies)
- iPortal Application Server (IONA Technologies)
- The IONA iPortal Application Server (IONA Technologies)
- IONA Orbix OTM
- IONA Orbix OTM (IONA Technologies)
- OrbixOTM 1.0 (InfoWorld Media Group)
- OrbixOTM for Developers (IONA Technologies)
- OrbixOTM Product Infosheet (IONA Technologies)
- OrbixOTM Transactions (IONA Technologies)
- jpub
- jpub (jpub Team)
- All the docs and FAQ's... (jpub Team)
- Live Software JRun
- Live Software JRun (Live Software/Allaire)
- JRun Professional FAQs (Live Software/Allaire)
- JRun Data Sheet (Live Software/Allaire)
- JRun User's Guide (Live Software/Allaire)
- Live Software's Path to Servlets (Servlet Central Publishing)
- Locomotive Application Server
- Locomotive Application Server (locomotive.org)
- About the Locomotive (locomotive.org)
- Locomotive Documentation Index (locomotive.org)
- Locomotive Server - Features and Technical Specifications (locomotive.org)
- Locomotive: the industrial strength solution (Servlet Central Publishing)
- Lotus Domino Go Webserver
- Lotus Domino Go Webserver - Spec sheet (Lotus)
- Lotus Domino Go Webserver FAQs (Lotus)
- The Domino Application Server platform for XML (IBM)
- Microsoft MTS
- NetDynamics
- NetDynamics (Sun Microsystems)
- NetDynamics FAQ (Sun Microsystems)
- NetDynamics Developer Connection (Sun Microsystems)
- NetDynamics Documentation (Sun Microsystems)
- NetDynamics Tech Central (Sun Microsystems)
- The NetDynamics Tech Support Newsletter (Sun Microsystems)
- NetDynamics DataSheet (Sun Microsystems)
- NetDynamics Features (Sun Microsystems)
- NetDynamics Overview (Sun Microsystems)
- NetDynamics Tour (Sun Microsystems)
- NetDynamics: White Papers (Sun Microsystems)
- Netscape Application Server
- Netscape Application Server (Netscape)
- Netscape Application Server FAQs (Netscape)
- Adding Java Servlet API Capability to Netscape Servers (Netscape)
- Deploying and Managing Web-Based Enterprise Applications (Netscape)
- Netscape Application Builder (Netscape)
- Netscape Application Server 2.11 (InfoWorld Media Group)
- Netscape Application Server Data Sheet (Netscape)
- Netscape Application Server Developer Central (Netscape)
- Netscape Extension Builder (Netscape)
- Netscape Hosting White Paper (Netscape)
- Using Server-Side Applets on Netscape Web Servers (Netscape)
- Netscape Enterprise Server
- Netscape Enterprise Server (Netscape)
- Netscape Enterprise Server FAQs (Netscape)
- Fastrack/Enterprise Server Documentation (Netscape)
- Java Servlets in Netscape Enterprise Server (Netscape)
- Netscape Enterprise Server Data Sheet (Netscape)
- Netscape Enterprise Server Evaluation Guide (Netscape)
- ObjectSpace Voyager Application Server
- ObjectSpace Voyager Application Server (ObjectSpace)
- Voyager FAQ (ObjectSpace)
- Voyager (ObjectSpace)
- Voyager Product Documents (ObjectSpace)
- Voyager White Papers (ObjectSpace)
- Overview of Voyager: (ObjectSpace)
- The ObjectSpace Voyager Universal ORB (ObjectSpace)
- Voyager Application Server QuickStart Guide (ObjectSpace)
- Voyager EJB Studio (ObjectSpace)
- Voyager Management Console (ObjectSpace)
- Voyager ORB Professional (ObjectSpace)
- Voyager Transactions (ObjectSpace)
- Oracle Application Server
- Oracle Application Server (Oracle)
- Orion Application Server
- Paralogic Software WebCore
- WebCore Key Features (Paralogic Software)
- Persistence PowerTier for EJB
- Persistence PowerTier (Persistence Software)
- Persistence PowerTier for EJB Advanced Server (Persistence Software)
- Persistence PowerTier for EJB Enterprise Server (Persistence Software)
- FAQs (Persistence Software)
- PowerTier for EJB Advanced Server Papers (Persistence Software)
- PowerTier for EJB Enterprise Server Papers (Persistence Software)
- Persistence PowerTier for C++
- Persistence PowerTier for C++ (Persistence Software)
- FAQs (Persistence Software)
- PowerTier for C++ Papers (Persistence Software)
- Pervasive Tango
- Pervasive Tango (Pervasive Software)
- Knowledge Base/FAQs (Pervasive Software)
- Tango Data Sheet (Pervasive Software)
- Tango Reviewer's Guide (Pervasive Software)
- Tango White Paper (Pervasive Software)
- Pramati Server for J2EE
- Pramati Server for J2EE (Pramati Technologies)
- Pramati FAQs (Pramati Technologies)
- Pramati Support (Pramati Technologies)
- Online User Guide (Pramati Technologies)
- Pramati J2EE Server Specifications (Pramati Technologies)
- Pramati Studio Server Side IDE (Pramati Technologies)
- Progress Apptivity Application Server
- Progress Apptivity Application Server (Progress Software)
- Apptivity FAQs (Progress Software)
- Developer's Network (Progress Software)
- Progress Apptivity (Progress Software)
- Tech Support (Progress Software)
- An Introduction to Progress Apptivity (Progress Software)
- Apptivity - An Overview (Progress Software)
- Apptivity: The World's Fastest Java Application Server (Progress Software)
- Integrated Development Environment (Progress Software)
- PROGRESS User Group Central (?)
- Progress Open AppServer
- Progress Open AppServer (Progress Software)
- Progress WebSpeed
- Progress WebSpeed (Progress Software)
- WebSpeed FAQs (Progress Software)
- Progress WebSpeed - Developer's Corner (Progress Software)
- Progress WebSpeed - White Papers (Progress Software)
- Tech Support (Progress Software)
- Data Sheet (Progress Software)
- WebSpeed Technical Product Brief (Progress Software)
- ProSyst EnterpriseBeans Server
- ProSyst EnterpriseBeans Server (ProSyst Software)
- ProSyst FAQs (ProSyst Software)
- ProSyst Dev Zone (ProSyst Software)
- EnterpriseBeans Server (ProSyst Software)
- EnterpriseBeans Server DataSheet (ProSyst Software)
- Secant Extreme Enterprise Server for EJB
- Secant Extreme Enterprise Server for EJB (Secant Technologies)
- Secant Extreme Enterprise Server Documentation (Secant Technologies)
- Secant Extreme Enterprise Server for EJB (Secant Technologies)
- Secant Extreme Enterprise Server for EJB Evaluator's Guide (Secant Technologies)
- Technical Documentation (Secant Technologies)
- Secant Extreme Enterprise Server for C++
- Secant Extreme Enterprise Server for C++ (Secant Technologies)
- Secant Extreme Enterprise Server Documentation (Secant Technologies)
- Secant Extreme Enterprise Server Evaluator's Guide (Secant Technologies)
- Secant Object/Web Computing Architecture (Secant Technologies)
- Technical Documentation (Secant Technologies)
- Servertec iServer
- Servertec iServer (Servertec)
- FAQs (Servertec)
- iServer Documentation (Servertec)
- iServer Samples (Servertec)
- SilverStream Application Server
- SilverStream Application Server (SilverStream Software)
- SilverStream Product FAQ (SilverStream)
- Literature (SilverStream)
- Product Info (SilverStream)
- White Papers (SilverStream)
- Online Brochure Page (SilverStream)
- SilverStream 2.0: Beans Built for Business (Bondi Software)
- Sun Java Embedded Server
- Sun Java Embedded Server (Sun Microsystems)
- Java Embedded Server - Technical FAQ
- Delivering Just-in-Time Services to Embedded Devices Using the Java Embedded Server (Sun Microsystems)
- On-Demand Embedded Applications: Java Embedded Server (Patricia Seybold Group)
- JavaServer Services (Sun Microsystems)
- Overview (Sun Microsystems)
- Sun Java Web Server
- Sun Java Web Server (Sun Microsystems)
- Java Web Server FAQs I (Sun Microsystems)
- Java Web Server FAQs II (Sun Microsystems)
- Administrator Documentation (Sun Microsystems)
- Developer Documentation (Sun Microsystems)
- Documentation Index (Sun Microsystems)
- Inside the Java Web Server (Sun Microsystems)
- Java Web Server (Sun Microsystems)
- Key Features (Sun Microsystems)
- Sybase Enterprise Application Server
- Sybase Enterprise Application Server (Sybase)
- Building and Using Java Components in EAServer (Sybase)
- Chasing the Jaguar (Sybase)
- Enterprise Application Server Developers Resource Page (Sybase)
- Enterprise Application Server: Features-At-A-Glance (Sybase)
- Enterprise Application Server 2.0 New Features (Sybase)
- Managing Distributed Java Applications on the World Wide Web (Sybase)
- Sybase and CORBA (Sybase)
- Sybase Enterprise Application Server 2.0 (InfoWorld Media Group)
- Sybase Jaguar (Sybase)
- Visient Arabica
- Visient Arabica (Visient)
- The Arabica Server Architecture (Visient)
- Visient White Paper (Visient)
- Zeus Web Server
- Zeus Web Server (Zeus Technology)
- Zeus Documentation System (Zeus Technology)
- Zeus Web Server Data Sheet (Zeus Technology)
- Zeus Web Server Development Options (Zeus Technology)
- Zeus Web Server Key Features (Zeus Technology)
- Zeus Web Server Overview (Zeus Technology)
- Zeus Web Server Product Specifications (Zeus Technology)
- Zope Application Server
- Zope Application Server (Digital Creations)
- Zope FAQ (Digital Creations)
- Zope Documentation (Digital Creations)
- Zope Resources (Digital Creations)
- An Introduction to Zope (Digital Creations)
- Download Zope (Digital Creations)
- Zope Features (Digital Creations)
- Three Faces of XML in Zope (Jon Udell)
- Creating XML Applications With Zope (Seybold Publications)
- Organizations
- SIG Enterprise JavaBeans (MGM EDV-Beratung)
- Other Software
- Arjuna System (Arjuna Group)
- OTS/JTS Arjuna (Arjuna Group)
- WebMacro Java Servlet Framework (webmacro.org)