Cetus Links: 16604 Links on Objects and Components / Transaction / Application / Web Servers

  • Intro

    • What is an application server? There are really many
      aspects to be considered: component technology, communication
      protocols, language or platform dependency, reliability,
      performance, scalability, security, etc. So it seems that there
      are no clear answers at the moment.

    • "How do objects and middleware fit together?
      Middleware is a layer of software that abstracts a
      company's business logic from the presentation layer at the client
      side, and the data resource at the backend. Objects are a way of
      modeling a business and further abstracting the business logic
      from the requirements of the client and server. Object-oriented
      middleware gives businesses the ability to effectively
      model a business problem and deploy and manage a business
      solution." (BEA Systems)

    • "What is an OTM ? An OTM , or Object
      Transaction Manager
      , combines the production-ready runtime
      and transaction management environment of TP Monitors with the
      programming model and ease of use of object-oriented development
      tools. The OTM manages the objects in a distributed
      environment so developers can focus on solving business problems."
      (BEA Systems)

    • "The standard Java transaction management interfaces
      are defined in two separate standard extensions. (1) Java
      Transaction Service (JTS)
      defines a low-level transaction
      management specification intended for vendors who provide the
      transaction system infrastructure required to support application
      run time environment. (2) Java Transaction API (JTA)
      defines a high-level transaction management specification intended
      for resource managers and transactional applications in
      distributed transaction systems." (Sun Microsystems)

    • "What is OLE Transactions ? OLE Transactions
      is Microsoft's object-oriented protocol for transaction
      management. The OLE Transactions protocol defines the
      interfaces that applications, resource managers, and transaction
      managers use to perform transactions. Applications use OLE
      Transaction interfaces to initiate, commit, abort, and inquire
      about transactions." (Microsoft)

    • "What is Enterprise JavaBeans ? Enterprise
      is a cross-platform component architecture for the
      development and deployment of multi-tier, distributed, scalable,
      object-oriented Java applications. Enterprise JavaBeans can
      be deployed on top of existing transaction processing systems
      including traditional transaction processing monitors, web
      servers, database servers, application servers, etc." (Sun

    • "What is the difference between a Java application
      and servlets ? Servlets have been used
      generically to refer to any server-side Java application code, but
      servlets have come to mean HTTP Servlets ---the Java
      industry standard for dispatching to server-side Java in HTTP and
      for returning HTML responses. A Java application server ,
      however, supports Java application partitioning, wherein a Java
      application interconnects with another Java application over the
      network. So the Java industry defines a standard Java
      application server
      is an integrated server that supports the
      range of Java Enterprise APIs." (WebLogic)

    • "What is a servlet engine ? A servlet engine
      provides a portable, Java servlet-based execution environment that
      turns Web application servers into Java-enabled Web application
      servers. It's the state-of-the art, easy-to-use, and extensible
      way of deploying and managing Web applications across your
      enterprise networks. A servlet engine is the nucleus of a
      scalable Web application platform." (IBM)

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