1. Consider the following code , what is the output provided a valid file name is given on the command prompt?
import java.io.*;
class Q032{
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{
FileInputStream fin;
int c = 0;
fin = new FileInputStream(args[0]);
while ((c = fin.read()) != -1)
catch (Exception e)
Options :
- Compile-time error " Variable fin may not have been initialized."
- Run-time exception " java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0"
- Run's fine displaying the contents of the file .
- Compile-time error " Undefined variable: args"
2. What is the output for the following -
class A{
static int i;
private int get(){
return ++i;
class B extends A{
int get(){
return ( i + 3);
class Q028 extends B{
public static void main(String ka[]){
Q028 obj = new Q028();
A ob_a = new A();
ob_a = (A)obj;
Options :
- 2
- Compile error " No method matching get() found in class Q026."
- 5
- NullPointerException thrown at run-time .
3. What is the output ?
class Q006{
public static void main(String args[]){
boolean flag = false;
if ( flag = true)
if ( flag == false)
Options :
- true
- false
- Compile-time error " Q006.java:11: Incompatible type for declaration. Can't convert boolean to java.lang.Boolean. "
- true
4. What is the output ?
class A{
class Q005 extends A{
public static void main(String args[]){
Q005 obj = new Q005();
Options :
- 123
- 23
- 3
- 1 , 2 , 3 each on a separate line
5. What is the output ?
class Q002{
public static void main(String args[]){
int i = -1;
System.out.println(-1 >> 17);
Options :
- Compile error
- Run-time Exception thrown
- -1
- Do you expect me to shift the bits
6. Predict the output -
class Q008{
public static void main(String args[]){
int i = -1;
Options :
- 1
- -1
- Compile error
- Run-time error
7. Will the following compile ? If yes what is the output ?
class Q009{
public static void main(String args[]){
//FYI Integer.MIN_VALUE = -2147483648
Options :
- 2147483648
- Compile Error
- -2147483648
- NegativeArraySizeException thrown at runtime
8. Will the following code compile ? If yes , what is the output ?
class Q012{
Q012(int i){
this.i = i;
public static void main(String ka[]){
Q012 obj = new Q012(10);
Options :
- 0
- 10
- null
- Compile error " Q012.java:10: No variable i defined in class Q012. "
9. What is the output of this code ?
class Q011{
int i;
Q011(int i){
this.i = i;
public static void main(String ka[]){
Q011 obj = new Q011(10);
Options :
- 10
10 - Compile error " Q012.java:16: Variable i may not have been initialized. "
- 0
10 - 10
10. What is the output for this piece ?
class Test{
static boolean flag;
public static void main(String args[]){
if ( flag )
Options :
- Compiler error , boolean flag : variable flag may not have been initialized
- Compiler error , System.out.println ( flag ) : can't convert boolean to String
- true
- false
- Compiles & runs fine with no output generated
Answers :
- a
- b
- a
- a
- c
- a
- c
- d
- a
- e
1. What is the output when Test01 class is run ?
class A{
//some initialization
void do_something(){
System.out.println("I'm in A");
class B extends A{
//some initialization
void do_something(){
System.out.println("I'm in B");
class Test01{
public static void main(String args[]){
A a = new B();
Options :
- I'm in A
- I'm in B
- Compiler error , A a = new B ( ) : Explicit cast needed to convert A to B
- ClassCastException thrown at runtime
2. What is the output for the following code ?
class Q014{
public String get(int i){
return null;
public static void main(String ka[]){
System.out.println((new Q014()).get(1));
Options :
- 0
- NullPointerException at run-time
- Compile error
- null
3.What is the output ?
class Q018{
static Object obj;
static String get(){
return null;
public static void main(String args[]){
System.out.println((Q018.get()) == (Q018.obj));
Options :
- Compile error
- Run-time error
- true
- false
4. What is the output ?
class Q015{
public String get(int i){
return null;
public static void main(String ka[]){
Q015 obj = new Q015();
Object i = obj.get(10);
Options :
- null
- NullPointerException at run-time
- Compile error
- 0
5.What is the output ?
class Q013{
int i;
Q013(int i){
public static void main(String ka[]){
Q013 obj = new Q013(10);
Options :
- 10
10 - Compile error , System.out.println ( obj.i ) : variable i may not have been initialized
- 0
10 - 10
6. What is the output ?
class Test02{
public String fetch(){
return null;
public static void main(String args[]){
Test02 obj = new Test02();
String str = obj.fetch();
Options :
- null
- Compiler error , can't invoke a method on null
- NullPointerException thrown at runtime
- ClassCastException thrown at runtime
7. What is the output ?
class Q022{
public static void main(String ka[]){
Options :
- Run's with no output
- Run-time error " Statement not reached."
- Great
- Compiler error , System.out.println ( "Great") : statement not reached
8. What is the output ?
class A{
static int i;
private int get(){
return 1;
class B extends A{
private int get(){
return 2;
class Q027 extends B{
public static void main(String ka[]){
Q027 obj = new Q027();
Options :
- 2
- Compile error , System.out.println ( obj.get ( ) ) : no method matching get ( ) found in class Q027
- 1
- 2
- NullPointerException thrown at run-time .
9. What is the output ?
class Q029{
public static void main(String args[]){
boolean b[] = new boolean[2];
Options :
- Compile error " Variable b may not have been initialized."
- Run-time error " Variable b may not have been initialized."
- false
- true
10. Consider the following applet . Is there something wrong with it ? Choose the most appropriate option ( only one ) .
public class App_Test extends Applet{
//some initialization
public void paint(Graphics g){
g.drawString("Applet started" , 50 , 50);
};Options :
- Nothings wrong with it
- It should override the init ( ) method of it's superclass ( Applet )
- An applet subclass can't override the default constructor
- The drawString ( ) method in paint ( ) has wrong number of arguments
- The constructor of App_Test must be defined as public
Answers :
- b
- d
- c
- b
- d
- a
- d
- b
- c
- e
1. Will the following code compile ? If yes choose the most correct two options .
class Q011{
public static void main(String args[]){
char a = 'a' + 2;
int i = 2;
char c = 'a' + i;//---1
Options :
- Compile-time error " Explicit cast needed to convert int to char "
- The code can be made to compile by commenting out lines marked as 1 & 2
- The code can be made to compile by commenting out the line " char a = 'a' + 2; "
- The output is
2. What is the output ? FYI ( int ) ' A ' = 65
class Q1{
public static void main(String args[]){
byte b = 65;
switch (b)
case 'A':
case 65:
Options :
- A
- 65
- Compile time error , case 65 : duplicate case label
- Runtime error "Duplicate case label: 65"
- default
3. Will the output from the following two code snippets be any different ?
Snippet 1 :
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
Snippet 2 :
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; ++i )
Options :
- yes
- no
4. What is the output of the following code ? FYI 1 divided by 2 = 0.5
class Q009{
public static void main(String args[]){
float f = 1/2;
Options :
- Compile-time error float f = 1 / 2 : explicit cast needed to convert int to float
- 0.0
- 0.5
- ClassCastException thrown at run-time
5. What is the output for the following code ?
class Torment{
int i = 2;
public static void main(String args[]){
int i = 12;
Options :
- Compiler error , System.out.println ( i ) : can't make a static reference to a non static variable i
- Output = 2
- Output = 12
- Compiler error , i = 12 : variable i is already defined in this class
6. What is the output ?
class FearFactory{
public static void main(String args[]){
//I'm Lazy
Options :
- Output = Birth
- Output = Genesis
- No output generated
- Compiler error , System.out.println ( " Genesis " ) : type expected
7. Consider the following class . Which of the marked lines need to be commented out for the class to compile correctly ?
class Evolve{
static int i = 1;
static int j = 2;
int x = 3;
static int y = 6;
public static void main(String args[]){
System.out.println(i + j);//---1
System.out.println(x + i);//---2
System.out.println(i + y);//---3
System.out.println(x + j);//---4
Options :
- 1 & 2
- 1 ,2 & 4
- 3 & 4
- 2 & 4
- 1 , 2 & 3
8. What is the compiler error generated ( if any ) by the following piece of code .
class Jelly{
public static void main(String args[]){
float f = 1./2;
Options :
- float f = 1. / 2 : invalid numeric type
- float f = 1. / 2 : explicit cast needed t convert int to float
- System.out.println ( f ) : can't invoke a method on primitive data types
- No problem , the code compiles fine .
- float f = 1. / 2 : explicit cast needed to convert double to float
9. Will the following class compile ? If yes what is the output ?
class Envy{
static int i;
public static void main(String args[]){
Options :
- Yes , it compiles but NullPointerException thrown at runtime
- Compiler error , System.out.println ( i ) : variable i may not have been initialized
- Yes it compiles & output = 0
- Yes it compiles & the output = 1
- Compiler error , ++ i : can't make a nonstatic reference to a static variable , i
10. Choose all the valid declarations for the main method from the list below ( any three )
a. public void main(String args[])
b. public static int main(String args[])
c. public static void main(String [] ka)
d. public static void main(String [] args)
e. public static void main(String ka [])
Answer :
- a & b
- c
- b
- b
- c
- b
- d
- e
- c
- c , d & e
1. Will the following code compile ? If yes , what is the output & if not what is the compiler error ?
class Test{
static String raid(){
throw new Exception();
catch (Exception e)
int i = 1 / 0 ;
return "Error";
return "Peace";
public static void main(String args[]){
Options :
- Compiler error , return "Error" : statement not reached
- Compiler error , i = 1 / 0 : Exception must be caught or declared in the throws clause
- Compiles & prints Error when run
- Compiles & prints Peace when run
2. What is the compiler error generated by the following piece of code or what is the output if any ?
class Test01{
public static void main(String args[]){
int i = 1;
if ( i = 2 )
System.out.println("In if");
else System.out.println("In else");
Options :
- Output = In If
- Compiles but no output is generated
- Output is = In else
- Compiler error , if ( i = 2) : can't convert int to boolean
3. Will the code given below compile ? If run with the following command line - java just - what is the output ?
class Test02{
public static void main(String args[]){
String str = args[0];
switch ( str.equals("just"))
case 1:
System.out.println("case 1");
case 2:
System.out.println("case 2");
Options :
- Output = case 1
- Output = case 2
- No output generated
- Compiler error , switch ( str.equals("just")) : Can't convert boolean to int.
- Compiler error , case 1 : can't convert boolean to int
4. What is the output of the following code fragment when run with the following command line - java 1 ?
class Test03{
public static void main(String args[]){
int i = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
switch (i)
case 1:
System.out.println("case 1");
case 2:
System.out.println("case 2");
Options :
- case 1
case 2
default - case 1
- Runtime exception thrown -NumberFormatException , Integer.parseInt ( args[0] ) : Can't convert String to int
- The code won't compile because there is no method parseInt ( ) defined in the Integer class .
5. Predict the output for the following piece of code .
class Test04{
public static void main(String args[]){
for ( int i = 1 ; i <= 5 ; i++ )
if ( i < 5 )
else System.out.println( i );
Options :
- 1 to 5 are printed on a new line each
- 1 to 4 are printed on a new line each
- Only 5 is printed
- 2 to 5 are printed on a new line each
- 2 to 4 are printed on a new line each
- No output is generated because continue terminates the loop
6. Will the following code block compile ? If yes , what is the output ?
class Test05{
public static void main(String args[]){
throw new Exception();
catch (Exception e)
Options :
- try
finally - catch
finally - finally
- Exception must be declared in the throws clause
- Compiler error , System.out.println("try") : statement not reached
7. What is the output for this ?
class Test06{
public static void main(String args[]){
for (int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++)
Options :
- 0 to 5 , each on a separate line
- 1 to 5 , each on a new line
- 1 to 4 each on a new line
- 0
- 0 to 4 , each on a new line
8. Will the following code generate a compiler error ? If not , what is the output ?
class Test07{
public static void main(String args[]){
for (int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++)
Options :
- 0 to 5 , each on a separate line
- 1 to 5 , each on a new line
- 1 to 4 each on a new line
- 0
- Compiler error , System.out.println ( i ) : statement not reached
- 0 to 4 , each on a new line
9. Choose the most appropriate option for the following piece of code -
class Test08{
public static void main(String args[]){
char c = 'a';
switch (c)
case 1:
System.out.println( "case 1" );
case 2:
System.out.println( "case 2" );
case 3:
System.out.println( "case 3");
System.out.println( "default" );
Options :
- Compiler error , switch ( c ) : Can't convert char to int
- Compiler error , switch ( c ) : Can't convert char to boolean
- Compiles & runs with the output = default
- Compile & runs with the output = case 2
- Compiler error , switch ( c ) : can't convert String to boolean
10. Does the following piece of code compile ? If yes , what is the output ?
class Test09{
static int tomb( char a){
throw new NumberFormatException();
public static void main(String args[]){
catch (Exception e)
- NumberFormatException thrown at runtime
- Compiler error , throw new NumberFormatException() : Checked Exceptions must be declared in the throws clause or must be caught in the corresponding catch block
- Compiler error , System.out.println("Done") : statement not reached
- Output = Done
Answers :
- d
- d
- d
- a
- c
- e
- d
- e
- c
- d
OK that said we can start with it .
Why byte is not a byte anymore after a shift operation ?
Lets assume the following block of code -
byte b = 2;
byte c = 1;
byte d = b >> c;
byte b = 2;
byte c = 1;
byte d = b >> c;
When the above code is compiled you get the following compile-time error -
Incompatible type for declaration. Explicit cast needed to convert int to byte.
Incompatible type for declaration. Explicit cast needed to convert int to byte.
The reason for this is that the operands ( b & c ) are implicitly promoted to the int type before any binary operators are applied . Refer JLS 5.6.1 .
What this means -
At the time of declaration/assignment 2 is defined as 00000010 ( byte type) .
But before the shift operand is applied , 2 is converted to 0000000000000000000000000000010 ( int type) .
And since there is no implicit conversion from int to byte , the error is justified .
The same is true for short & char types as well .
Before any binary operator is , applied arithmetic promotion of operands takes place so that the operands are at least of the type int .
What is shifting anyways ?
Shifting is basically taking the binary equivalent of a number & moving the bit pattern left or right . This is analogous to a queue - one bit moves forward & leaves while the one behind takes it's place . Simple ! This is exactly what the >> & << operators do ( >>> is a bit tricky ) .
Try an example !
Consider 78 whose binary equivalent is
00000000 00000000 00000000 01001110 Try here !
00000000 00000000 00000000 01001110 Try here !
Say you wanna shift it right ( >> ) 2 times , keeping that queue in mind , here's what we get
00000000 00000000 00000000 00010011 ( = 19 )
00000000 00000000 00000000 00010011 ( = 19 )
Similarly now lets shift left ( << ) 3 times & we get
00000000 00000000 00000010 01110000 ( = 624 )
00000000 00000000 00000010 01110000 ( = 624 )
Now for some negative values -
Lets try -65 whose binary equivalent is
11111111 11111111 11111111 10111111
Lets try -65 whose binary equivalent is
11111111 11111111 11111111 10111111
Shift left ( << ) 2 times & the result is
11111111 11111111 11111110 11111100 ( = -260 )
11111111 11111111 11111110 11111100 ( = -260 )
Shift right ( >> ) 2 times & the result is
11111111 11111111 11111111 11101111 ( = -17 )
11111111 11111111 11111111 11101111 ( = -17 )
Did I miss something up there !?
When you shift left ( << ) the void left behind by the shift is filled by zero's but that's not the case when you shift right ( >> ) .
When shifting right ( >> ) the leftmost bits exposed by the right shift are filled in with previous contents of the leftmost bit . That's why when we right shifted 78 we filled it with zero's ( zero is the leftmost bit ) & when we right shifted -65 we filled it with one's ( since one was the leftmost bit ) .
As for the bits in the extreme right ( rightmost bits ) , they're discarded .
Try right shifting ( >> ) these values -
-1 = 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 ( result is always -1)
0 = 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ( result is always 0)
-1 = 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 ( result is always -1)
0 = 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ( result is always 0)
Note that right shifting ( >> ) always preserves the sign of the original number i.e. to say that a negative number will stay negative while a positive number will stay positive after a right shift ( >> ) .
So what about the >>> ( unsigned right shift ) operator ?
Sometimes we may require a right shift ( >> ) but we wouldn't like it to fill one's , instead we'd like it to fill zero's & only zero's no matter what . This is where the >>> ( unsigned right shift ) operator fits in .
It fills the void left behind by the leftmost bits with zero's only . So -
78 >>> 2 = 19 &
-78 >>> 2 = 1073741804 Try here .
78 >>> 2 = 19 &
-78 >>> 2 = 1073741804 Try here .