For Storage Team only:
Note: - The following steps have to be performed only while connected to the relevant RA controller (A or B) through console cable and should not be run from the Storage Works Command Console (SWCC) Command Line Interface (CLI).
1) Logon to the server in which console cable of the relevant RA controller (A or B) is connected.
2) Launch HyperTerminal and connect to the relevant RA controller (A or B) , for which uptime has to be checked
3) Type “run vtdpy” command (eg: - RA01>run vtdpy) followed by Enter.
4) At the right hand corner of the output text you will be able to see the Uptime of the controller in the following Syntax “Up: days hh:mm:ss” (eg: - Up: 1025 22:33:11)
5) To exit from vtdpy, press “Ctrl+C” & type “quit” to return to the normal prompt (eg: - CBJRA01>)
6) Close the HyperTerminal.