How to manage Agile project for software application development?

Anyone who has ever been responsible for managing software development projects knows that software is not easy. Successfully coordinating and dealing with: Project sponsors, Customers, Team members, Technology issues, and most importantly the ‘ever changing requirements’ challenges even the most experienced project leader.

Leading projects in an environment that embraces both rapid delivery and change can prove even more daunting. Yet individuals with the desire to change the fundamental rules of the software game and accept the empirical nature of software development are faced with numerous opportunities. In order to capitalize on the evolutionary nature of agile development, today's leadership community must also focus on five key aspects associated with of agile development:
                                    Courage, Context, Course, Cadence, and Cost.

Software development requires many interfaces - customers, other project teams, customer support, professional services, external stakeholders, human resources, and many more - and the confidence to step up to the plate and be willing to enact positive change in the face of tradition can be a risky, but rewarding experience.

Agile development is definitely not for the faint of heart. This does not mean that project management won't ultimately be simplified, but rather that any new way of doing business requires practice and hard work. Agile leaders cannot be afraid to fail, especially during early iterations. With agile development, at least failures are typically limited in scope to a few weeks, at which point you can reevaluate the situation and adapt accordingly.

These early iterations should be used to learn, adjust, and stabilize. Teams, and people, generally get good at what they practice. In agile development, planning, estimating, testing, and delivery, occur every few weeks as opposed to once every year. As a result, teams quickly develop a rhythm. By focusing on removing obstacles that get in the way and allowing this rhythm to emerge, agile leaders set the stage for improvement, predictability, and success. While still in the heat of software delivery battle, a vast majority of agile teams look back after six months, see the improvement, and wonder how they ever could have successfully delivered software any other way.

It is important to steer and manage actions and decisions within an overall business context. While functional value can oftentimes drive the details of a project, business values need to help drive project goals. Force hard decisions about the business and project context as early as possible. Get as simple as possible answers to key questions such as:

• What is the vision for the project?
• What are the primary goals and business drivers of the project?
• What are the values that should drive key project and product decisions?
• What are the expectations of project sponsors and stakeholders?

The answers to these questions serve as the basis for future decision-making, as well as a thread that can prevent a project from spiraling out of control. Additionally, the degree of visibility afforded these priorities can serve as a foundation for managing conflict and stakeholder negotiations.

One way to make sure everyone sees the answers to these questions is to print them on a single page or project web page, and keep them visible throughout the life of the project. These answers often serve as a bar to which you will be held accountable.

Context and course are complementary ideals. Whereas context defines overall circumstances, course defines direction and progress. Although some agile approaches reference not looking in detail beyond one to two iterations, it is wrong to assume that longer range planning is not necessary or valuable. Longer-term software plans serve as a roadmap for important interim business and project decisions.

Iteration, milestone, and release plans remain critical components in planning and measuring progress. As you plan further out, confidence levels diminish, but a minimum three- to six-month roadmap serves as a continuous reality check in the face of a changing environment.

A concerted effort is needed at least once every iteration to revisit objectives, reconcile overall direction, review time-frames and deadlines, and communicate variances. In agile development, change is accepted and even fostered for business reasons, so in addition to delivering early and often, be prepared to communicate early and often. Unlike traditional projects environments where the feedback loop can span quarters or even years, successful agile project teams communicate directly with key business and management stakeholders as often as each iteration.

Cadence (Rhythm)

The concept of cadence or rhythm is one of the most beneficial effects of agile development. Similarly, teams' deep grasp of iterative and incremental delivery in its complete sense can serve as significant risk mitigator. Instead of delivering once a year or more, agile teams deliver working, tested, installable software every iteration.

In this type of environment, unexpected loose ends greatly diminish, defects are much easier to manage, integrated builds are second nature, and production deployment becomes much more streamlined and foolproof. This is not to say that some problems will not arise, but those that do will be much more manageable.

Even agile development cannot escape the associated financial implications of software development. The challenge, and advantage, of agile development is the opportunity to justify the cost with business value and customer benefit throughout the process, as opposed to once at the very end. Here the goal being to achieve the highest possible returns earliest in the development cycle.

While you may not have the same direct influence over business benefit that you do over cost, the opportunity to allow the business to extract value sooner rather than later, continuously align business and technology goals, and adjust to changing business dynamics is of tremendous value.

While the cost model for most agile development projects is fairly straightforward, "cost per iteration" is not something that many organizations have either experienced or understand. Fortunately, many consulting companies and software organizations have made the transition to a simplified project costing model, multiplying the approximate cost per person for the entire team by the length of an iteration to derive ongoing financial impact (e.g. Rs.80,000 per iteration). While this is not as sophisticated as traditional staffing and resource allocation models, this type of analysis and justification can be just as accurate.

Adaptive v/s Predictive methods:

Agile methods are sometimes characterized as being at the opposite end of the spectrum from "plan-driven" or "disciplined" methodologies. This distinction is misleading, as it implies that agile methods are "unplanned" or "undisciplined." A more accurate distinction is to say that methods exist on a continuum from "adaptive" to "predictive". Agile methods exist on the "adaptive" side of this continuum.
Adaptive methods focus on adapting quickly to changing realities. An adaptive team will have difficulty describing exactly what will happen in the future. The further away a date is, the vaguer an adaptive method will be about what will happen on that date. An adaptive team can report exactly what tasks are being done next week, but only which features are planned for next month. When asked about a release six months from now, an adaptive team may only be able to report the mission statement for the release, or a statement of expected value vs. cost.
Predictive methods, in contrast, focus on planning the future in detail. A predictive team can report exactly what features and tasks are planned for the entire length of the development process. Predictive teams have difficulty changing direction. The plan is typically optimized for the original destination and changing direction can cause completed work to be thrown away and done over differently. Predictive teams will often institute a change control board to ensure that only the most valuable changes are considered.
Agile methods have much in common with the "Rapid Application Development" techniques from the 1980's.
                        Examples of Agile Development Techniques:
1)    Extreme Programming:
Extreme Programming (XP) describes four basic activities that are performed within the software development process.


The advocates of XP argue that the only truly important product of the system development process is code (a concept to which they give a somewhat broader definition than might be given by others). Without code you have nothing. Coding can be drawing diagrams that will generate code, scripting a web-based system or coding a program that needs to be compiled.
Coding can also be used to figure out the most suitable solution. For instance, XP would advocate that faced with several alternatives for a programming problem, one should simply code all solutions and determine with automated tests (discussed in the next section) which solution is most suitable.
Coding can also help to communicate thoughts about programming problems. A programmer dealing with a complex programming problem and finding it hard to explain the solution to fellow programmers might code it and use the code to demonstrate what he or she means. Other programmers can give feedback on this code by also coding their thoughts.


One cannot be certain of anything unless one has tested it. Testing is not a perceived, primary need for the customer. A lot of software is shipped without proper testing and still works. In software development, XP says this means that one cannot be certain that a function works unless one tests it. This raises the question of defining what one can be uncertain about.
  • You can be uncertain whether what you coded is what you meant. To test this uncertainty, XP uses Unit Tests. These are automated tests that test the code. The programmer will try to write as many tests he or she can think of that might break the code he or she is writing; if all tests run successfully then the coding is complete.
  • You can be uncertain whether what you meant is what you should have meant. To test this uncertainty, XP uses acceptance tests based on the requirements given by the customer in the exploration phase of release planning.


Programmers do not necessarily know anything about the business side of the system under development. The function of the system is determined by the business side. For the programmers to find what the functionality of the system should be, they have to listen to business.
Programmers have to listen "in the large": they have to listen to what the customer needs. Also, they have to try to understand the business problem, and to give the customer feedback about his or her problem, to improve the customer's own understanding of his or her problem.


From the point of view of simplicity, one could say that system development doesn't need more than coding, testing and listening. If those activities are performed well, the result should always be a system that works. In practice, this will not work. One can come a long way without designing but at a given time one will get stuck. The system becomes too complex and the dependencies within the system cease to be clear.
One can avoid this by creating a design structure that organizes the logic in the system. Good design will avoid lots of dependencies within a system; this means that changing one part of the system will not affect other parts of the system.
2)    Scrum Development Technique:
            Team creation

Scrum believes that a development team should perform as a sport team, every team member working independently but towards the same goal. Scrum suggests that a team has a maximum of 6 - 7 members. The team facilitator is called the Scrum master. His/her job is to implement and manage the Scrum process in the project.

The Scrum team as a whole defines the practices, meetings, artifact and terminology of SCRUM for the team, and the Scrum Master ensures adherence to these "norms" identified. Scrum masters focus most of their time in managing outside interference for the Scrum team and solving outside impediments or ‘Blockers’ that cannot be solved by the Scrum team.
            Backlog creation

There are 3 types of backlogs:
Product Backlog –
Acts as a repository for requirements targeted for release at some point. These are typically high level requirements with high level estimates provided by the product stakeholders.
Release Backlog –
Requirements got from the product backlog and prioritized for an upcoming release. The release backlog contains more details about the requirement and low level estimate which are usually estimated by the team performing the work.
Sprint Backlog –
At the beginning of each sprint (period), the team has sprint planning with an end result being a backlog of requirements/sub-requirements that the team anticipates completing at the end of the sprint. By completing, that means fully coded, tested and documented. These are the items that the teams will "Burn down" throughout the duration of the sprint. The sprint backlog breaks the release backlog requirement into manageable chunks that can be accomplished typically in 8 - 16 hrs.

            Project Segmentation

The whole project gets divided into periods of time with a maximum duration of 4 weeks. One period is called a Sprint and every team gets a backlog to execute within the given Sprint.

            Scrum Meetings

During the sprint, the team conducts daily scrum meetings.
The meetings are held in the same place at the same time every work day.
The meetings don’t last for more than 30 minutes.
A scrum master is appointed.
The scrum master is responsible for asking every team member the following three questions:
 - What have you done since the last scrum meeting?
 - What has impeded your work?
 - What do you plan on doing between now and the next scrum meeting?

Conversation is restricted to the team members answering the above questions.
Meetings can be established for immediately after the scrum meeting based on answers to the above questions.
The scrum master is responsible for making decisions immediately, if required to remove impediments to progress.
The scrum master is responsible for noting impediments that must be resolved external to the meeting and causing them to be removed.


The Scrum development process consists of 5 major activities “Review release plans”, “Distribution, review and adjustment of product standards”, “Sprint”, “Sprint review” and “Closure”.



The Sprint phase is where the software development takes place. A Sprint consists of the following sub-activities: Develop Wrap, Review and Adjust. This phase has no sequence. Sometimes a backlog item must be developed, wrapped and reviewed and sometimes a backlog item must be only reviewed or adjusted. It totally depends on the backlog item.

            Sprint review

Each Sprint is followed by a Sprint review. During this review the software developed in the previous Sprint is reviewed and if necessary new backlog items are added. The reviewers consist of project stakeholder, managers, developers and sometimes customers, sales and marketing.

The activities, Sprint and Sprint review are repeated until the product is deemed ready for distribution. Then the project goes into the closure phase where the product is made ready for release and distribution.


In this stage activities like last debugging, marketing and promotion take place. By finishing this activity the project is closed. Because of the unpredictability of the software development process it’s not possible to define exactly when this activity will take place and so the project may take shorter or longer than planned. But by using the controls given by Scrum one can make calculations on the duration of the project. More about controls and this kind of calculation can be found in the “Scrum Controls” part.

                                                Agile Documentation

In the software industry the norm says that: "You need to document it properly first to be able to code it later. That's why you need architects and designers that prepare the documents that programmers will base their work on."

For example if you write a document in 1 hour and you need to share that knowledge with 2 other people you will have to spend at least another hour explaining that document to those 2 people (this is excluding the document reviews). Meaning that in a good scenario you will spend 3 hours to imperfectly transfer knowledge to 2 people that you could by talking to them face-to-face during one hour.

Why you need to spend time talking to people even after writing the document is that people are not perfect writing documents nor understanding what someone else wrote. When people write they have their own context, their own knowledge, their own assumptions, etc. Not all those get written (it would simply take too long and most of them would not be relevant anyway), many times some critical knowledge does not get to the paper. When that happens the reader will not be able to understand the text without talking directly to the writer and spend time discussing some of the not so obvious knowledge behind what is written. All this takes time.

“Whoever needs the information writes the document”. Why?

1.    The person who writes the document (the one that needs the information) will go         through the process of understanding the information while she writes the information   (this is the main purpose of this rule)
2.    The person often needs the information because she interacts with the project team, in             this situation writing the document (and all the information exchange with the team           that comes with that) will also help that person commit to help the team solve the          issues she will be asking them to solve
3.    In the process of researching the document the person shares a lot more information     with the team than what gets written. This is important because both the writer and        the team get to share information they would otherwise not.


Documentation can have bigger impacts in the projects than we normally think:
1.    Quality work: including testing, reviewing documents, discussing bugs, etc.
2.    Feature work: implementing, thinking about features, finding which requirements to implement, reworking (fixing bugs), etc.
3.    Documentation: writing information down for generations to come
4.    Face-to-Face communication: exchanging information, team building, etc.

Often in software projects Quality is traded for Features/Scope. This approach comes from the fact that we are forgetting that we can actually trade other things out before we have to trade out quality. In fact we can trade out for example documentation or face-to-face communication.
You must plan what you want to trade-off in a software project so that you know what matters when the time comes to drop something, if you don't plan the trade-offs you will end-up trading-off quality like most people - even when you could be trading off documentation, especially the one that delivers no value to the customer.

What are traditional SDLC Methodologies available as against Agile?

There has been a lot of software development processes created over the years. Some of them are

· Pure waterfall
· Code-and-fix
· Spiral
· Modified Waterfalls
· Evolutionary Prototyping
· Staged Delivery
· Evolutionary Delivery
· Design-to-Schedule
· Design-to-Tools
· Commercial Off-the-shelf Software

Pitfalls of traditional methodologies

•‘viewing software development as the production of software systems on fixed requirements’
•‘the division of production into linear phases’
•‘Requirements may change as business process changes, technology changes or problem becomes better understood’
•‘Document Driven’
•’Working model is available only during later stage of project’

What is Feature Driven Development?

Feature Driven Development arose in the late 1990s from collaboration between Jeff DeLuca and Peter Coad. Their flagship project, like XP’s C3 Project, was the Singapore Project. DeLuca was contracted to save a failing, highly complicated lending system. The previous contractor had spent two years producing over 3,500 pages of documentation, but no code. DeLuca started from the beginning and hired Coad to assist with the object modeling. Combining their previous experiences, they developed the feature-oriented development approach that came to be known as FDD.

Highsmith explains FDD’s core values:

·        A system for building systems is necessary in order to scale to larger projects
·        A simple, well-defined process works best
·        Process steps should be logical and their worth immediately obvious to each team
·        member
·        ‘Process pride’ can keep the real work from happening
·        Good processes move to the background so the team members can focus on results
·        Short, iterative, feature-driven life cycles are best

Develop an overall model: As depicted in Figure, the FDD process begins with developing a model. Team members and experts work together to create a “walkthrough” version of the system.

Build a features list: Next, the team identifies a collection of features representing the system. Features are small items useful in the eyes of the client. They are similar to XP story cards written in a language understandable by all parties. Features should take up to 10 days to develop. Features requiring more time than 10 days are broken down into sub features.

Plan by feature: The collected feature list is then prioritized into subsections called “design packages.” The design packages are assigned to a chief programmer, who in turn assigns class ownership and responsibility to the other developers.

Design by feature & build by feature: After design packages are assigned, the iterative portion of the process begins. The chief programmer chooses a subset of features that will take 1 to 2 weeks to implement. These features are then planned in more detail, built, tested, and integrated.
Team size: Team size varies depending on the complexity of the feature at hand. DeLuca stresses the importance of premium people, especially modeling experts.

Iteration length: Up to two weeks.

Support for distributed teams: FDD is designed for multiple teams and, while it does not have built-in support for distributed environments, it should be adaptable.

Criticality: The FDD prescription does not specifically address project criticality.

What is LEAN Development method in Agile?

Lean Development (LD), started by Bob Charette, draws on the success Lean Manufacturing found in the automotive industry in the 1980s. While other Agile Methods look to change the development process, Charette believes that to be truly Agile you need to change how companies work from the top down. Lean Development’s 12 principles focus on management strategies:

1. Satisfying the customer is the highest priority
2. Always provide the best value for the money
3. Success depends on active customer participation
4. Every LD project is a team effort
5. Everything is changeable
6. Domain, not point, solutions
7. Complete, do not construct
8. An 80 percent solution today instead of 100 percent solution tomorrow
9. Minimalism is essential
10. Needs determine technology
11. Product growth is feature growth, not size growth
12. Never push LD beyond its limits Because LD is more of a management philosophy than a development process, team size, iteration length, team distribution, and system criticality are not directly addressed.

What is Crystal (agile) development method?

Crystal collects together self-adapting family of "shrink-to-fit," human-powered software development methodologies based on these understandings.

"Human-powered" means that the focus is on achieving project success through enhancing the work of the people involved (other methodologies might be process-centric, or architecture-centric, or tool-centric, but Crystal is people-centric).

Alistair Cockburn uses Crystal as a metaphor for a family of methodologies. The key idea behind Crystal is to tune the method to the type of project. There are two dimensions to a crystal — color and number. Darker color crystals symbolize larger projects with more people, which require “heavier” methods. Higher numbers in crystals symbolizes harder, higher risk projects, which require more rigor and ceremony.
In Cockburn’s words:

...the core Crystal philosophy is that software development is usefully viewed as a co-operative game of invention and communication, with a primary goal of delivering useful, working software and a secondary goal of setting up for the next game.

All Crystal methods begin with a core set of roles, work products, techniques, and notations, and this initial set is expanded as the team grows or the method hardens.

Team size: the Crystal Family accommodates any team size; however, Cockburn puts a premium on premium people.
Iteration length: Up to 4 months for large, highly critical projects.
Support for distributed teams: Crystal Methodologies have built in support for distributed teams.
System criticality: Crystal supports 4 basic criticalities: failure resulting in loss of comfort, discretionary money, essential money, and life.

What is Agility and what are agile methods?

Agility is a management method focused on realizing immediate return on investment.

The method is based on:

• Short term plans
• Results
• People
• Collaboration
• Simplicity


In recent years a number of processes claiming to be "agile" have been proposed in the literature. To avoid confusion over what it means for a process to be "agile", seventeen agile process methodologists came to an agreement on what "agility" means during a 2001 meeting where they discussed future trends in software development processes. One result of the meeting was the formation of the "Agile Alliance" and the publication of its manifesto ( The manifesto of the "Agile Alliance" is a condensed definition of the values and goals of "Agile Software Development". This manifesto is detailed through a number of common principles for agile processes. The principles are listed below.

Agile lays out a vision and then nurtures project resources to do the best possible to achieve the plan. Agile is the “art of the possible.”

The Manifesto: a statement of agile values

~ Individuals and interactions over processes and tools ~
~ Working software over comprehensive documentation ~
~ Customer collaboration over contract negotiation ~
~ Responding to change over following a plan ~

Agile employs the following practices:
      Frequent inspection
      Emergence of requirements, technology, and team capabilities
      Self-organization and adaptation in response to what emerges
      Incremental emergence
      Dealing with reality, not artifacts

12 Principles of Agile methods

·        Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.
·        Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage.
·        Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter time scale.
·        Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.
·        Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.
·        The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.
·        Working software is the primary measure of progress.
·        Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
·        Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.
·        Simplicity--the art of maximizing the amount of work not done--is essential.
·        The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.
·        At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.

Existing Agile Methods

Some major agile methods are

Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)
Crystal Methods
Lean Development
Extreme Programming (XP)

What is Extreme Programming?

Extreme Programming is a discipline of software development based on values of simplicity, communication, feedback, and courage. It works by bringing the whole team together in the presence of simple practices, with enough feedback to enable the team to see where they are and to tune the practices to their unique situation.

The 12 rules of Extreme Programming, true to the nature of the method itself, are concise and to the point. In fact, you could almost implement XP without reading a page of Beck’s book.

·        The Planning Game: At the start of each iteration customers, managers, and developers meet to flesh out, estimate, and prioritize requirements for the next release. The requirements are called “user stories” and are captured on “story cards” in a language understandable by all parties.
·        Small Releases: An initial version of the system is put into production after the first few iterations. Subsequently, working versions are put into production anywhere from every few days to every few weeks.
·        Metaphor: Customers, managers, and developers construct a metaphor, or set of metaphors after which to model the system.
·        Simple Design: Developers are urged to keep design as simple as possible, “say everything once and only once”.
·        Tests: Developers work test-first; that is, they write acceptance tests for their code before they write the code itself. Customers write functional tests for each iteration and at the end of each iteration, all tests should run.
·        Refactoring: As developers work, the design should be evolved to keep it as simple as possible.
·        Pair Programming: Two developers sitting at the same machine write all code.
·        Continuous Integration: Developers integrate new code into the system as often as possible. All functional tests must still pass after integration or the new code is discarded.
·        Collective ownership: The code is owned by all developers, and they may make changes anywhere in the code at anytime they feel necessary.
·        On-site customer: A customer works with the development team at all times to answer questions, perform acceptance tests, and ensure that development is progressing as expected.
·        40-hour Weeks: Requirements should be selected for each iteration such that developers do not need to put in overtime.
·        Open Workspace: Developers work in a common workspace set up with individual workstation around the periphery and common development machines in the center.

Practitioners tend to agree that the strength of Extreme Programming does not result from each of the 12 practices alone, but from the emergent properties arising from their combination.

Highsmith lists five key principles of XP, all of which are enhanced by its practices: communication, simplicity, feedback, courage, and quality work.

Extreme Programming Values and Principles

The XP values are:
· Communication
· Simplicity
· Feedback
· Courage

An XP project relies on these four values. If your organization or team doesn't truly share these values, then an XP project will fail. Of course, most of those values are motherhood-and-apple pie –it would be hard to find an organization that said that it didn't believe in them. XP tries to remove some of the vagueness from these values by describing principles that embody the values.

· Open, honest communication
· Quality work
· Rapid feedback at all levels
· Assume Simplicity
· Embrace change
· Play to win
· Concrete experiments
· Small initial investment
· Incremental change
· Accepted responsibility
· Honest measurement
· Travel light
· Teach learning
· Local adaptation

Limitations of XP

Practitioners of XP clearly state where the model works and where it does not.

·        Team size: Because the development team needs to be co-located, team size is limited to the number of people that can fit in a single room, generally agreed to be from 2-10.
·        Iteration length: XP has the shortest recommended iteration length of the Agile Methods under consideration, 2 weeks.
·        Support for distributed teams: Because of XP’s focus on community and co-location, distributed teams are not supported.
·        System criticality: XP is not necessarily geared for one system or another. However, most agree that there is nothing in XP itself that should limit its applicability