Some great tips on unix system.
man topic
man -f gives single line description of what the command does
7. Multiple commands with -e command
combining multiple commands can be done by using a -e before each command:
8. Backreferences - Remembering patterns with \(, \) and \1
9. sed options:
Sometimes you want to search for a pattern and add some characters, like parenthesis, around or near the pattern you found. The solution requires the special character "&." It corresponds to the pattern found.
The simplest restriction is a line number. If you wanted to delete the first number on line 3, just add a "3" before the command:
tr copies the standard input to the standard output with substitution or deletion of selected characters. Input characters in set1 are mapped to corresponding characters in set2.
19. Multiple sort keys may be used on the same command line. The first key is used to sort the lines. If two lines have the same value in the same field, sort uses the next set of sort keys to resolve the equal comparison. For example,
sed '$d' file
delete the first line of a file
1. Joining 2 consecutive lines using sed:
sed '$!N;s/\n/ /' myfile or paste -s -d" \n" myfile
2. The man program searches through manual pages and displays the first page whose name matches topic.
The basic form for the man command isman topic
man -f gives single line description of what the command does
man -f topic
eg: man -f who
who(1) - who is on the system
3. leave command:
$ leave
When do you have to leave? 0430
Alarm set for Mon Nov 27 04:30:16 2006
When do you have to leave? 0430
Alarm set for Mon Nov 27 04:30:16 2006
the time when you have to leave. It runs in the background, and five minutes before that given time, it outputs on your terminal a reminder for you to leave. It does this again one minute before the given time if you're still logged in, and then at the time itself -- and from then on, it keeps sending reminders every minute until you log out (or kill the leave
process). 4. sort with -M option:
Compare fields as months. The first three nonblank characters are folded (see -i option) to uppercase and compared. Thus January is compared as JAN. JAN precedes FEB, and fields not containing months precede JAN.
5. To stop all of your processes
and log yourself off, enter:
and log yourself off, enter:
kill -kill 0
# double space a file
sed G filename
double space a file which already has blank lines in it. Output file
should contain no more than one blank line between lines of text.
# triple space a file
sed 'G;G' filename
# double space a file
sed G filename
double space a file which already has blank lines in it. Output file
should contain no more than one blank line between lines of text.
# triple space a file
sed 'G;G' filename
7. Multiple commands with -e command
combining multiple commands can be done by using a -e before each command: sed -e 's/a/A/' -e 's/b/B/' <old >new
8. Backreferences - Remembering patterns with \(, \) and \1
To search for two identical letters, use "\([a-z]\)\1." You can have 9 different remembered patterns. Each occurrence of "\(" starts a new pattern. The regular expression that would match a 5 letter palindrome, (e.g. "radar"), would be
grep '\([a-z]\)\([a-z]\)[a-z]\2\1' filename
Sometimes you want to search for a pattern and add some characters, like parenthesis, around or near the pattern you found. The solution requires the special character "&." It corresponds to the pattern found.
10. Restricting to a line number in sed:
sed '3 s/[0-9][0-9]*//' <file >
11. IFS: Internal field separator:
The shell uses the value stored in IFS, which is the space, tab, and newline characters by default, to delimit words for the read and set commands.
12. grep -x "see" file_a>file_b 1>&2
grep -x : Select only those matches that exactly match the whole line.
13. In the above case both standard error and output is placed in standard error file.
14. tr command:
tr copies the standard input to the standard output with substitution or deletion of selected characters. Input characters in set1 are mapped to corresponding characters in set2.
tr [ options ] [ set1 [ set2 ] ]
tr -s :
Replaces any character specified in string1 that
occurs as a string of two or more repeating
characters as a single instance of the character
in string2.
Replaces any character specified in string1 that
occurs as a string of two or more repeating
characters as a single instance of the character
in string2.
15. grep options:
-v, --invert-match
Invert the sense of matching, to select non-matching lines.
Invert the sense of matching, to select non-matching lines.
16. w in unix:
w - show who is logged on and what they are doing
displays information about the users currently on the machine, and their processes. The header shows, in this order, the current time, how long the system has been running, how many users are currently logged on, and the system load averages for the past 1, 5, and 15 minutes.
displays information about the users currently on the machine, and their processes. The header shows, in this order, the current time, how long the system has been running, how many users are currently logged on, and the system load averages for the past 1, 5, and 15 minutes.
17. grep options:
-c, --count
Suppress normal output; instead print a count of matching lines
for each input file.
Suppress normal output; instead print a count of matching lines
for each input file.
18. awk options:
This just shifts the last colum to the first position sort it
awk '{ printf $NF;$NF = "" ;printf " "$0"\n" }' | sort
19. Multiple sort keys may be used on the same command line. The first key is used to sort the lines. If two lines have the same value in the same field, sort uses the next set of sort keys to resolve the equal comparison. For example,
sort +4 -5 +1 -2 infile
means to sort based on field 5 (+4 -5). If two lines have the same value in field 5, sort those two lines based on field 2 (+1 -2). 20. grep options:
-i, --ignore-case
Ignore case distinctions in both the PATTERN
Ignore case distinctions in both the PATTERN
21. grep options:
-n, --line-number
Prefix each line of output with the line number within its input
Prefix each line of output with the line number within its input
22. Variable assignment:
Variables can be assigned values previously stored or if not present any other value.
23. tee :
tee - read from standard input and write to standard output and files
tee -a :
append to the given FILEs, do not overwrite
append to the given FILEs, do not overwrite
24. egrep:
instead of grep -e egrep can be used.
egrep [A-Z]\{3\}
matches 3 upper case characters.
25. To find whether the file is old:
find [path_list] -atime n
where path_list is the path in which the file is to be searched,
This gives the File which was accessed n*24 hours ago.
26. sed options:
delete the last line of a file
sed '$d' file
delete the first line of a file
sed '1d' file
27. To get the 3rd line in the file:
head -3 file | tail -1
28. To get only today`s date:
date +%j
date +%m gives current month
date +%y gives current year
29. Joining 2 consecutive lines using sed:
sed '$!N;s/\n/ /' myfile or paste -s -d" \n" myfile
30. uptime
This command gives the current time, the length of time the system has been up, the number of users logged on to the system, and the average number of jobs in the run queue over the last 1, 5, and 15 minutes.
31. To get the first and second field in a file where the fields are seperated by commas,
awk -F, '{print $1,$2}' filename
To get the first and second field in reverse order,
awk -F, '{print $2,$1}' filename
awk prints these fields in all the lines.
32. NF: number of fields in a line
NR : number of records (i.e no. of lines in that file)
To get only the line which hav more than 4 fields give, awk 'NF > 4' filename
To print the line number at the starting of each line, awk '{print NR,$0}' filename
I have used F, in the command as the delimiter is comma.
33. To get the sum of all the file sizes present in a directory, just go to that directory use this command:
ll | awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) s=s+$5}; END{print s}'
This command iteratively sums up all the fifth field values i.e size of the files and prints the sum.
34. The ps command reports information about active processes. If no options are specified, you will see information about only those processes connected to your current terminal session.
ps -e
shows information about all processes currently running on the system
35. To list only the directories:
ll | grep ^d
36. To search for a pattern recursively in all the directories from the current location:
find . | xargs egrep -li "pattern"
37. To list only the directories:
ll | grep ^d
38. Removing a directory:
rm -r directory
Copying a directory:
cp -r old_dir new_dir
39. Precede each line by its line number FOR ALL FILES TOGETHER, with tab.
awk '{print NR "\t" $0}' filename
40. print the sums of the fields of every line
awk '{s=0; for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) s=s+$i; print s}' filename
awk '{s=0; for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) s=s+$i; print s}' filename
41. add all fields in all lines and print the sum
awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) s=s+$i}; END{print s}'
awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) s=s+$i}; END{print s}'
42. delete ALL blank lines from a file (same as "grep '.' ")
awk NF
awk '/./'
awk NF
awk '/./'
43. grep for AAA and BBB and CCC (in that order)
awk '/AAA.*BBB.*CCC/'
awk '/AAA.*BBB.*CCC/'
44. tr command to change upper case letters to lower case (vice-versa)
echo $VAR|tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'
45. cat options:
cat -n displays the output of a file with line numbers
46. To copy fields 3 and 7 from input to output (3 string, 7 float):
awk '{printf"%s\t%10.4f\n", $3, $7}' < input > output
47. To add a column of numbers:
awk '{sum=sum+$1;printf("sum: %d\n", sum)}' < input | tail -1
48. To calc the average of numbers in a file:
egrep "^:2" *out | egrep total | cut -c44- | \
awk '{sum += $1;total += 1;printf"avg = %.4f\n", sum/total}' | \
tail -1
49. To find 'word' in files owned by 'username' from location '.':
find . -user username -print -exec \grep word '{}' \; > output &
50. To find all files that do not end in 'pdb' in location '.':
find . \( ! -name \*pdb \) -print
51. To find all files that do not end in 'pdb' in location '.' and execute a
command on each file found:
find . \( ! -name \*pdb \) -exec \anneal2pdb '{}' \;
52. To remove all files 'garb':
find ~ -name garb -print -exec \rm '{}' \;
53. To report the file size of all files bigger than 2 meg and older than 30
find . -type f -size +4096 -atime +30 -exec \du -sk '{}' \;
54. To search with a wildcard:
find . -name goob\* -print
55. To manually nudge NFS:
umount /iris1/a (or whatever)
mount -a -t nfs
exportfs -a -v
56. To encrypt the file 'input' to a file 'output':
crypt < input > output
enter key: (enter a password)
To decrypt the file 'output' to a file 'done':
crypt < output > done
enter key: (enter the password used to encrypt 'output')
57. To convert tabs to spaces:
expand -tabstop > filename.out
expand -3 garb > garb.out
will convert tabs to three spaces
To convert spaces to tabs:
unexpand filename
58. To check the print que:
To remove a print job:
lprm <job # from lpq>
To check the printer:
59. To remove duplicate lines from a file:
uniq filename > out
60. To mail to compuserve:
If the username is '70000,200', mail to:
note the period instead of the comma.
To mail from compuserve:
61. To create a text file from a manual page:
man command | expand > file
vi file
62. To compare two files:
Flags 1, 2, or 3 suppress printing of the corresponding column. Thus
comm -12 prints only the lines common to the two files; comm -23 prints
only lines in the first file but not in the second; comm -123 prints
63. To run a string of commands over and over:
csh> sh
$ while :
> do
> command
> command
> done
When done, ^C to quit. ^D to return to csh.
64. To get a list of '' machines:
UNIX> nslookup
> ls > file
> exit
65. To get a machine name from an IP address:
UNIX> nslookup
> set type=ptr
Address: name =
66. To add line numbers to the beggining of a file:
grep -n . input > output
paste x y > z
67. To move (or copy) a directory heirarchy:
cd fromdir
tar cf - . | (cd todir; tar xfBp -)
68. To copy a directory heirarchy exactly:
cd fromdir; tar cBf - . | (cd todir; tar xpBf -)
69. To restart the sendmail process:
kill the original process
/usr/lib/sendmail -bd -q1h
70. To alias rm so that it lists the files to be removed and asks for
alias rm \
'/bin/ls -AsF \!* && echo -n "Remove? " && if ($< == y) /bin/rm -rf \!*'
71. To remove blank lines from a file:
sed -e '/^$/d' > file.out
72. To find all subdirectories find . -type d –print
73. Comparing two directories dircmp -d -s dir1 dir2
74. To replace text in multiple files sed -e 's/oldtext/newtext/' -i file1 file2
75. timex options:
-p[fhkmrt]: List process accounting records for command and
all its children. The suboptions f, h, k, m, r,
and t modify the data items reported. They behave
as defined in acctcom(1M). The number of blocks
read or written and the number of characters
transferred are always reported
76. timex options:
-o: Report the total number of blocks read or written
and total characters transferred by command and
all its children. This option works only if the
process accounting software is installed
77. ex command
Replace characters in a file or delete them without explicitly opening the file.
78. Variable manipulation:
Eg: FILE=XXX01.PNnnnnnn.DIR
echo ${FILE%.*}
79. Grep options:
-s : Suppress error messages about nonexistent or unreadable files.
80. Do you hate users who put spaces in file names, preventing you from doing any sort of scripting?
Well then this is the little one-liner for you to pop in a shell script then...
for i in $1 ; do mv "$i" `echo $i | sed 's/ /_/g'` ; done
81. sed options:
To replace characters according to its position in the line.
To replace characters more than 255th position, use accordingly as the following example
sed -e 's/^\(.\{200\}.\{71\}\)Blore/\1Mlore/'
82. dc command:
Short for desk calculator, dc is an arbitrary precision arithmetic package.
p: prints current results
q: quit
83. dc options:
c : Clear all values on the stack
84. dc : more options
v : Take square root
85. Printing all the fields in a file within double quotes.
there are 2 ways of doing it..
as explained in the example
a. cat file|awk ‘{print “\””$1”\””,”\””$2”\””}’
b. cat file|awk ‘{printf(“\”%s\”,\”%s\”\n”,$1,$2)}’
86. find options:
If you want to list out all the files except a particular file, use
find < path > ! -name <filename >
87. awk functionality:
Searching happens within "//" and actions within "{}".
awk '/search pattern/ {print}'
88. awk functionality
Match in a particular field:
Awk autosplits a line on whitespace as default. The fields are stored in $1 through $NF and the whole line is in $0. One can match or not match an individual field
Eg: cat infile
Fred notok 3000
Cat infile|awk ‘ $1 ~ /Fred/ && $2!~ /ok/ {print “Fred has not paid $3”}’
89. awk options:
cat file|awk -F"," '{ $NF = "" ;print }'
To delete the last field in every line
90. awk options:
To delete the last field in the file and also print the output as the original file with the delimiter
cat file|awk -F"," '{ OFS=","; $NF = "" ;print }'
91. To get the time stamp of a file in hh:mm:ss format:
echo $file | cpio -o 2>/dev/null|cpio -ivt 2>/dev/null|awk '{print $7,$4,$5,$6}'
92. If you ever have to delete many, many files but rm returns a "too many arguments" error, use find and xargs to save the day:
find . | grep 'your_filename_filter' | xargs rm -f
93. Defining directory trees with one command
Mkdir –p tmp/a/b/c
94. Print in reverse order the fields of every line:
cat file | awk ' { for (i=NF ; i>0 ; i=i-1) printf( "%s ", $1)
} '
cat file | awk ' { for (i=NF ; i>0 ; i=i-1) printf( "%s ", $1)
} '
95. Control M character check in a file can be accomplished through the following small code:
grep -q $(echo "\r\c") infile
if [[ ${STAT} -eq 0 ]]
echo "CR Found"
if [[ ${STAT} -eq 0 ]]
echo "CR Found"
96. If the control M characters present in the file is intended to be removed,
dos2ux test1 > test2 is the perfect command for tat.
where test1 is the file which contains control M characters, test2 is the output file.
97. Interesting ls option:
ls -rt1 will give last modified file first in a list. Unlike ls -lrt which gives all the other fields, like permissions,etc, this option will give only the file name in the form of a list
Maths calculations can be done using awk. Floating point output can be got.
awk -v VAR=40 -v MULT=2002.4 'BEGIN{printf("%.2f\n",(VAR/100)*MULT)}'
99. du -a |grep *.txt
This will locate all the files
with the extension .txt in the
current directory.
100. To print last two fields in a file.
cat sep|awk 'NF>2 {print $(NF-1),$NF}'