GIS for WetLand

What is GIS?

Integration of hardware, software, and data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information is called geographic information system (GIS).

GIS Allow
View, understand, question, interpret, and visualize data in many ways that reveal relationships, patterns, and trends in the form of maps, globes, reports, and charts.

GIS Helps
Answer questions and solve problems by looking at your data in a way that is quickly understood and easily shared.

GIS Customization
Customize GIS application according client requirement.

GIS Integration
GIS technology can be integrated into any enterprise information system framework.



Wetlands are those areas inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support and under normal circumstances do support a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.

Following three characteristics are key parameter to defined wetlands.

Wetland Hydrology - A drainage pattern or water regime that results in saturated soil conditions or pounding during part of the growing season, usually in the spring.

Hydric Soils - Poorly drained organic muck, peat, clay or mottled dark brown mineral soils within the top 12 inches of the ground surface.

Hydrophytic Vegetation - A predominance of vegetation that is adapted to grow in areas that are seasonally saturated or inundated.

Wetland Delineation

If any one need to have a Wetland Review conducted on your property, a consultant first will need to make a site visit to gather field information about the topography, soils and vegetation. From this, a determination can be made as to whether or not any wetlands are present.

If all three characteristics are present in an area it will be wetland area and it required to be delineated with flagging or flagged stakes.

Next the flagging points will need to be located in the field relative to the property boundaries so that a Wetland Delineation Map or Site Plan can be created. The wetland points can be mapped by either using a compass and measuring tape (single family properties only), GPS mapping equipment or a surveyor.

the wetland will be rated using the Department of Ecology Rating System to determine the quality of the wetland. Depending on which category it is, either a I (high class), II, III or IV (low class), and/or what the water quality and habitat values are, this will determine the width of the required protective buffer. All development must stay outside of this buffer unless mitigation measures are offered.

The last thing a consultant will do is put together a Wetland Delineation Report, to be presented to city or county officials, that summarizes the site, the scientific field data, the wetland and its rating, and which includes a detailed site map of the existing and proposed development, and any wetlands and their associated buffers.

Wetland Delineation GIS Mapping


This system provide a web-based service that comprises GPS/GIS mapping to expand their business that use the modern internet technologies and social networking principles by which they can collecting the environmental /wetland information and storing sample data in a database to monitoring changes in environment and the effects of climate change.

The services of Web Mapping application will make it easier to make well informed decisions when considering environmental issues involved in building projects. It will also help to estimate the influence of environmental changes to future development of real estate values.

The system consists of Project Management, User Management, and main components as WebGIS Component the WebGIS component is utilized by Users to

- View GIS Data

- edit GIS data (Point Feature, Line Feature. Polygon Feature)

- Conduct GIS analysis

- Import GIS Data (Shape File, Raster File)

- Export GIS Data Shape File/CSV format.

- Provide various GIS Reports in PDF Format.

- Integration of local ArcGIS Server Map Service

- On the fly integration of Web Map Services (WMS) and Web Feature

Services (WFS).

This system has Service Oriented Architecture.


Create base map for GIS application and deploy it on ArcGis Server as map


There is following layer in base map.

  • Country Boundary
  • State Boundary
  • City Boundary
  • Water body boundary
  • Important location point
  • Project Point layer (Editable)
  • Project Poly line layer (Editable)
  • Project boundary layer (Editable)
  • Online WMS Services


Create map service and deploy it on ArcGIS server to use base map (MXD).

Feature of Map Service

  • Non pooled

  • Tiled

  • 50 user (Instance)

  • Access permission



Use Case

Sequence Diagram

Development Platform

1- Microsoft visual studio .net (framework 3.5)

2- ArcGis Server 9.3.1

3- ArcGis 9.3.1

4- ArcSDE

5- ADF for .net

6- SqlServer 2008