Routing commands in Brocade SAN

aptpolicy: Used to change routing policy on silkworm 4Gbit/Sec switch
Syntax:   >aptpolicy  (To see the current policy on the switch)
                   Current policy: 3
                   3:Default policy
                   1:Port based routing
                   3.Exchange based routing
                  To change the policy we need to disable the switch first

Syntax:   > Switchdisable; aptpolicy 1         

fcping: Used to check connectivity in Fiber channel Network

Syntax:    fcping “Source port” “Destination port”
              Source and destination port can be specified as
              24 bit fiber channel address, Port world wide name or Node world wide name.

pathinfo:  Used to get the details of routing and statistics information between source port and  
               and destination port.
               This command provides same information as tracert in LAN.

               In addition to routing information pathinfo provides
               Destination port state.
               Link statistics for every hop from source to destination.
               Link utilization for each hop from source to destination

Syntax:   pathinfo [domain [src_portnumber [dst_portnumber]] [-r]]

topologyshow: Used to get the list of all the domains part of the fabric and to each of 
                          these domains all possible path from local switch.
Syntax: topologyshow

urouteshow: Used to display unicast routing information for a port.
Syntax: urouteshow

Few of the other commands:

bcastShow: Print broadcast tree information
dlsreset    : Turn off Dynamic load sharing
dlsSet       : Turn on Dynamic load sharing
dlsShow    : Print state of Dynamic load sharing
fsfpShow   : Print FSFP global information  (FSPF- Fabric Shortest Path)
iterfaceshow: Print FSFP interface information
iodReset: Turn off in-order delivery
iodSet     :Turn on in-order delivery
iodShow  :Print state of in-order delivery
linkcost : Set or print the FSPF cost of a link
LSDbshow:Print Link state database entry
nbrStateShow Print neighbor’s summary information
nbrStatsClear: Reset FSFP neighbor’s counters
uRouteConfig:Configure static unicast route
UrouteRemove: remove statis unicast route

Reference: Brocade study guide: